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IBS & your Liver (Solutions I & II)

How to soothe your Liver? How to manage negative feelings so that it will help you manage your IBS? For someone it works to talk to a friend. However, in this post and the next one we have a combination of three different solutions, a global mixture that combines ways from two experts from USA, […]

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IBS & your liver (Problems)

Do you know if you have IBS, then there may also be problems with your liver? And the problems may be bigger than what you think. According to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), your Liver, which is sad, angry or even depressed, can trigger your IBS. (Especially if you also suffer from cold hands, insomnia, irregular […]

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If you have IBS, do you want a second opinion (1)?

IBS people, like you and me, have been seeing doctors, usually medical doctors with training from a university. But have you thought about it outside the box, the box of Western medicine, a box in which symptoms are treated using drugs, radiation, or surgery? Experts in this post Enter traditional Chinese medicine (TCM): Qi So […]

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If you have IBS, do you want a second opinion (2)?

Dampness (濕), a term in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is 100% related to your IBS. In post (1), we talked about bloating. However, if you also have cold limbs, if your levels of energy is low, and if you have irregular menstruation, your body is calling for help as it is suffering from excessive amounts […]

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Berries: the best fruit for IBS

We IBS people are not advised to eat these fruits: apples, pears and dried fruits. Why? They are high in fructose, a thing that triggers your bloating. So if you really are a die-hard fan of fruits, what choices do you have? Hilda Glickman, a university lecturer and nutritionist teaching nurses in UK, goes for […]

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